Financial Statements Information

Fully prepared financial statements can provide funders a lot of information about the company’s current state of affairs. When you start a new business venture, the financial statements can be included with a business plan. Whether your a startup business preparing financial records or a company looking to grow and requires expansion capital, all company financial reports work on the same principles. Companies can use bank instruments to help manage cash flow problems within your organisation as well as using them as a method of trade finance. We have outlined the financial statement format as an example you can use:

Income Statements ( profit / loss / revenue / forecast)
Statements of Cash Flow (historic and current)
Balance Sheets (assets / liabilities)
Financial Ratios and/or break even analysis

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Managing Risk – Assess Your Project

In our “writing a business plan”  article, we highlighted “managing risk” in a bullet points because it’s an essential element in your business plan. This article explains further why we feel that this (managing risk) is another factor to consider when writing a business plan. Strictly speaking, these aren’t the only risk assessments your company should undertake but it is a small guideline to show you how one factor can possibly effect the other.

Identify threats in your risk assesments
(c) Prestige Capital Partners

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Writing A Business Plan

You might agree that writing a business plan can be challenging. Business plans are “projected” 3-5 year road map that outlines where you intend to take your company. From humble beginnings your idea might be to grow, make money, manage risk and sell the business when hitting retirement age. Below we outline major parts of a business plan that makes an impact with our funders.

Knowing how to structure and write an effective business plan is key to get your project seen by any funder. The business plan template written below can be used for any business be it for a large project or for a small business. It is worth time, money and effort paying out for a professional who provides a business plan service. They ‘go with a fine tooth comb’ and iron out mistakes and see areas where plans can be improved.

How To Write A Business Plan

We previously wrote about the importance of writing an eye catching executive summary. Writing a business plan that is packed with credible sources, factual information and relevant illustrations that best represents your business model. Our business plan template has been written from a startup prospective. If you are in the position of growing or expanding your business, you can refer back to this in time and see the developments and reassess your goals.

There are some common core elements to put into a business plan (eg; Company information and team, marketing plan and SWOT) It’s a good idea to structure the business plan with different titles per page and provide the lender as much detail about your project. Don’t be shy or hold back, this may count against you as they need to know everything. Every funder who reads a business plan wants to know how your business project can benefit people, how you plan to make money to pay them back (and what you can offer them) They can determine a projects value by using accounting skills, financial ratios and risk equations. It might be worth considering that if your project does involve patent technologies that aren’t currently registered, to do this before applying for funding.

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Executive Summary Layout

An executive summary is an abbreviated version of a business plan. It allows the reader to obtain a quick overview of the business. Executive summaries are the first documents a lender will read, if written correctly and can be understood, it would increase the chance of getting the lender to read your business plan. Most entrepreneurs don’t realize the importance of this document because it is often looked as “unnecessary” whereas it increases your chance of being funded.

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