We live in a dangerous world of increasing litigation. It’s time to consider your future, and the future of your family and your business. Putting assets into trust has long been a favoured method of securing your assets such as, Company shares, property, cash, jewellery, boats, cars, planes etc, however as many of us have found out at a cost, using a trust can also be fraught with problems. The main problem with forming a trust is filling the position of the most essential party to the Trust, the trustee. In reality the trustee’s main duty is to work as beneficiary(s) of the Trust.
Trade & Commerce Finance Instruments – Commercial LC’s
Letters of credit (LCs) or sometimes known as documentary LCs are financial instruments. It is an instrument from a bank which guarantees a buyer’s payment to a seller if certain criteria are met. There are fundamental components of each type of Letters of Credit for International Trade and as such Letters of Credit law are governed universally by a set of guidelines called the UCP 600 which was first produced in the 1930s by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Read moreMonetize SBLC – Monetizing Rated And Non Rated SBLC’s
Businesses have the option to monetize an SBLC for credit. This will then allow businesses to have cash equity which will enable business owners to reinvest back into their business. There are a number of reasons why people choose to monetize bank instruments. One reason is to have the ability to use cash from the liquidated instrument to buy goods and trade them with minimal risk. Struggling businesses can use them as a way of raising money to invest in the operations.
We work alongside other financial institutions who can issue and monetise bank instruments. Bank instruments can be useful when starting up a business. You can either purchase or lease an SBLC and have the bank instrument cashed in (monetized) to provide capital for your business. You can take it one step further and we can enter the monetized amount into trade to generate further funds. We have service providers who can facilitate in issuance of BG’s/SBLC’s, monetize and last but not least trade the monetized bank instruments. All of our service providers have a proven track record. Using instruments to fulfill your capital requirements can be a less complicated method to meet your capital needs.
WB Terms
Wealth Building Program | Entering A Trade Platform
This is an overview to private wealth building programs for high net worth investors. The overview is designed to help clarify what they are, how they work, and things high net worth clients may want to consider.
Wealth Building Programs
There are a number of ways high net worth investors can access into exclusive, private primary markets. Managed trade platforms can provide an alternative wealth building solution for clients focused on generating superior risk-adjusted return on investment. These platforms not only makes a portfolio exclusive but creates custom tailored solutions for any financial goal.
Bank Guarantee BG – Bank Instrument Providers – Letters Of Credit
Bank Guarantee To Fund Projects
Project owners can apply for lines of credit with their own bank to support the financing of their project. Normally the credit line needs to have some collateral backing it, which is where a bank guarantee letter (BG) can come into play. There are options for project owners to either lease or buy a bank instrument. A bank guarantee such as an SBLC is backed by collateral for one year and one day and then you can decide whether or not you want to renew the lease?. If the bank guarantee isn’t renewed, then it has be returned unencumbered and free of any liens.
StandBy Letter Of Credit – Purchase Or Lease An SBLC
In today’s financial markets there is misinformation pertaining to Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit transactions, largely due to the lack of correct information available. In order to keep informed one must go out of their way to learn about the industry and how it operates.
The Bank Instrument industry is a world where real information, truthful processes and real bank instrument providers are hard to come by. Here we will try to provide some useful information so that you can educate yourself further on how this industry operates. In this section we will talk about Standby Letters of Credit.
Financial Statements Information
Fully prepared financial statements can provide funders a lot of information about the company’s current state of affairs. When you start a new business venture, the financial statements can be included with a business plan. Whether your a startup business preparing financial records or a company looking to grow and requires expansion capital, all company financial reports work on the same principles. Companies can use bank instruments to help manage cash flow problems within your organisation as well as using them as a method of trade finance. We have outlined the financial statement format as an example you can use:
Income Statements ( profit / loss / revenue / forecast)
Statements of Cash Flow (historic and current)
Balance Sheets (assets / liabilities)
Financial Ratios and/or break even analysis
Structured Finance For International Projects
Let’s say a developer needs funding, when they apply for project finance, the lender might put together a structured finance solution to suit the developer’s project requirements. But what does structured finance mean and how do they do it?
What is Structured Finance
The lender will look at the development project to determine what it’s requirements are and then structure a finance model according to the projects needs. If the borrower has been refused funding for whatever reason, this might be the best route to go down. So in other words, structured finance not only benefits the borrower but also protects the funder.
Seed Funding For A Business
Please note: we do not provide seed funding! This is for educational purpose only.
Today there are many ways to get seed funding for a business. The old traditional way was to go and ask the bank manager for a business loan. As there are problems in the economy and banks are being a lot more frugal with commercial loans, people need to look elsewhere to get the right loan to suit their business requirements.